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Euro Bond fund range

Active, diversified and defensive exposure to Euro government bonds


Latest news on the range

Feb 2024

Euro government bond opportunities in a rate cutting environment

With inflation decelerating and markets pricing in rate cuts for 2024, the environment is ripe for European government bonds to thrive, explains Mauro Valle, Head of Fixed Income at Generali Asset Management.

What you should know about the funds

Active, risk-aware euro government bond exposure

For investors seeking diversification and a hedge against volatility and equity exposure, European government bonds can be considered a defensive, risk-adjusted investment over a medium to long-term horizon. To optimize risk-return, the sub-funds have a significant allocation to long Italian BTPs and other peripheral bonds such as Greek government bonds. This diversification and the nimbleness of the strategy to change as the facts change have enabled the sub-funds to consistently outperform their benchmarks throughout the negative-yielding environment of the past few years1.

Go directly the sub-funds page

All the costs and risks are detailed in the Prospectus and Key Information Document (KID), which are available online by clicking on the sub-fund name.

Awards 2


Portfolio Manager

Mauro Valle

Mauro Valle, CFA

Head of Fixed Income and Fund Manager of the GIS Euro Bond range
30+ years of experience
Leads a team of #14 FI Investments specialist
AAA rated by Citywire 3

Key features

Long and remarkable track record: GIS Euro Short Term Bond and GIS Euro Bond launched in 2002
Article 8 sub-funds under SFDR classification
Highly active approach to duration management
Diversified exposure that includes peripheral European country debt from Italy and Greece as well as to inflation-linked bonds


Generali Asset Management (Generali AM)

European investment specialist with a global outlook

  • Generali Asset Management is a European investment specialist, offering a wide range of active funds and bespoke solutions across both public and private markets.

  • Our investment experience is grounded in a solid heritage, with skills that have been developed and honed over time by managing Generali Group assets.

  • We have a strong emphasis on fixed income, complemented by equity and multi-asset capabilities, and underpinned by sizeable in-house research teams. We also offer investors the opportunity to invest in private markets alongside Generali Group, one of the world’s largest asset owners. As responsible stewards of capital, we prioritize responsible investing and ESG integration while aiming to serve the unique needs our clients.

(1) Past performance does not predict future returns.

(2) An award is drawn for illustration purposes only and is subject to change. It not a recommendation to invest in the Fund. It does not predict future performance of the Fund. There is no guarantee that the investment objective of the Fund will be reached.

- Refinitiv Lipper Fund Awards, ©2023 Refinitiv. All rights reserved. Used under license. Lipper Fund Awards 2023 from Refinitiv notified for the following subfunds: Generali Investments SICAV (GIS) Euro Bond (category: Bond EMU Government) awarded with a "Europe 2023 Refinitiv Lipper Fund Award" over a 10-year period and Generali Investments SICAV (GIS) Euro Short Term Bond (category: Bond EUR Short Term) awarded with a "Europe 2023 Refinitiv Lipper Fund Award" over both a 3-year and a 5-year period. Generali Investments SICAV (GIS) Euro Bond (category: Bond EMU Government) and Generali Investments SICAV (GIS) Euro Short Term Bond (category: Bond EUR Short Term) awarded with a "Switzerland 2023 Refinitiv Lipper Fund Award" respectively over both a 3-year and a 5-year period. Generali Investments SICAV (GIS) Euro Bond (category: Bond EMU Government) awarded with a "Germany 2023 Refinitiv Lipper Fund Award" over a 10-year period and Generali Investments SICAV (GIS) Euro Short Term Bond (category: Bond EUR Short Term) awarded with a "Germany 2023 Refinitiv Lipper Fund Award" over both a 3-year and a 5-year period.  Detailed information on the Lipper Fund Awards and the methodology can be found here: https://www.lipperfundawards.com/Methodology. - The Fund Award 2024: Fondsprofessionell, in cooperation with the Institut für Vermögensaufbau (IVA), has awarded the German Fund Award 2024 to the Generali Investments Sicav (GIS) Euro Short Term Bond DX sub-fund for its outstanding investment results based on a specially developed portfolio and risk analysis. Detailed information on the awards and the methodology can be found here: https://www.fondsprofessionell.de and here https://www.institut-va.de/

(3) Source of the ratings: Citywire. A rating is drawn for illustration only and is subject to change. For more information about the rating (methodology, universe taken) please refer to the following link: https://citywire.com/americas/manager/mauro-valle/d5145.

Important Information

Marketing communication related to Generali Investments SICAV, a Luxembourg UCITS-SICAV, and its Sub-funds (“the Funds”) – The objective of Euro Bond is to outperform J.P. Morgan EMU Index, the Benchmark, by investing in quality debt securities denominated in Euro. The objective of Euro Short Term Bond is to outperform €STR Index, the Benchmark, by investing in quality short term debt securities denominated in Euro. The objective is of Euro Bond 1-3 Years is to outperform J.P. Morgan EMU 1-3 Years Index Index, the Benchmark, by quality debt securities denominated in Euro. The products are actively managed in reference to the Benchmark. The Investment Manager has full discretion over the composition of the portfolios and therefore their composition may deviate  from the Benchmarks.

Inherent risks of the Funds (non-exhaustive list): Credit risk - Derivative risk - Sustainable finance risk - The products may invest in securities rated below investment grade, which present greater risk of loss to principal and interest than higher-quality securities - Risk of capital loss: these are not guaranteed products. Investors may risk losing part or all of their initial investment. Returns may increase or decrease as a result of currency fluctuations. Main costs (not an exhaustive list, as per the KID dated 1 January 2024): Management fees and other administrative or operating costs for Euro Bond: 0.6% (including management fee of 0.40%), for Euro Short Term Bond and Euro Bond 1-3 Years: 0.3% (including management fee of 0.15%). The percentages represent the value of your investment per year and are estimates based on actual costs over the last year. Performance fee: none. This is not an exhaustive list of risks and costs. Several other risks and costs apply, and differ by share class. All the costs and risks are detailed in the Prospectus and Key Information Document (KID). The future performance is subject to taxation, which depends on the personal situation of each investor and which may change in the future.

The Sub-funds promote environmental or social characteristics as per Article 8 of the Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 on sustainability‐related disclosures in the financial services sector (“SFDR”). They do not have sustainable investments as their objective.

Before making any investment decision, please consider all characteristics, objectives, risks and costs in the Key Information Document (KID) available in one of the official languages of your country, the Prospectus available in English (not in French) and its SFDR Appendix upon request free of charge to the Management Company, Generali Investments Luxembourg S.A., 4 Rue Jean Monnet, L-2180 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, e-mail address: GILfundInfo@generali-invest.com or at www.generali-investments.lu, where you can also find a summary of your investor rights (in English or in an authorized language) in the section “About us/Generali Investments Luxembourg”. The Management Company may decide to terminate the agreements made for the marketing of the Fund in your country.  Issued/sourced by Generali Investments Luxembourg S.A., Luxembourg UCITS Management Company of the Fund, Generali Asset Management S.p.A. Società di gestione del risparmio, Italian asset management company, appointed as marketing promoter of the Fund in the EU/EEA countries (Via Niccolò Machiavelli 4, Trieste, 34132, Italia).

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© Generali Investments, all rights reserved. This website is provided by Generali Investments Holding S.p.A. as the holding company of the main asset management companies of the Generali Group having, directly or indirectly, the majority shareholding in the companies listed below (hereinafter jointly, “Generali Investments”). This website may contain information related to the activity of the following companies: Generali Asset Management S.p.A. Società di gestione del risparmio, Infranity, Sycomore Asset Management, Aperture Investors LLC (including Aperture Investors UK Ltd), Plenisfer Investments S.p.A. Società di gestione del risparmio, Lumyna Investments Limited, Sosteneo S.p.A. Società di gestione del risparmio, Generali Real Estate S.p.A. Società di gestione del risparmio, Conning* and among its subsidiaries Global Evolution Asset Management A/S - including Global Evolution USA, LLC and Global Evolution Fund Management Singapore Pte. Ltd - Octagon Credit Investors, LLC, Pearlmark Real Estate, LLC as well as Generali Investments CEE. *Includes Conning, Inc., Conning Asset Management Limited, Conning Asia Pacific Limited, Conning Investment Products, Inc., Goodwin Capital Advisers, Inc. (collectively, “Conning”).